Monday, 15 December 2014


Hello Lovelies, how time flies! Its the begining of a new week, and we are fast approaching the new year, YAY!!! This year has been a good year, filled with the sweet, sour and outright bitter, but still, a great one for me. I am happy to be alive.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


Hello Lovelies, its been a long while, infact too long sef! How have you been?

Thank you all for your mails and Facebook messages, I am truly grateful, and I feel so loved whenever I get any such message.

Where do I start from? 


I had a baby, a healthy baby boy; Bryan :D

I gained a ton of weight, which I am not too happy about and currently looking for a solution to.

I am happier.

I appreciate my mother more (multiply this by a million).

I appreciate all mothers; God bless our efforts.

I appreciate all intending mothers and pregnant women; the tears, pains and backaches are truly worth it.

This is just a quick post to let you know I am back ,albeit gradually.

Another post will follow soon.